2017 - 2022 PhD in Mathematics Université de Bordeaux and Universiteit Leiden
phd thesis | université de bordeaux | universiteit leiden
- Passed a course on Cryptology in the Netherlands (168 hrs).
- Passed a course on Public Key Cryptography Algorithms in France (168 hrs).
- Graduated cum laude.
- Magis Awardee. The Magis Award for Distinguished Service is given to individuals who rendered humble and effective service to the school. It is considered to be the highest award during the annual recognition day.
- Served as the organization head for Akay, a student org which weekly visits public schools to teach willing students
- Served as the Deputy Finance Officer for the Council of Student Organizations (CSO). Tasks of such an officer include managing the budget allocation for each of the fifty-six organizations of the school, accounting for the events involving the CSO and organizing events
- Batch valedictorian.